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  1. Research

    Making meaning of belonging

    Through an autobiographical film production program for high school students, CANDLE researchers explore a new kind of developmental science in education

    Featured Faculty

  2. Educator Tips

    A new tool for educators running on empty

    Identity-based, radical self-care practices can provide teachers with the tools they need to recharge.

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  3. Faculty News

    Huriya Jabbar awarded grant to study youth social capital

    New project will determine if it is possible to measure youth social networks using administrative data.

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  4. Rossier News

    USC Rossier announces partnership with City Year

    Scholarship offered to AmeriCorps members applying to USC Rossier’s Master of Arts in Teaching program.

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  5. Faculty News

    Noel Anderson joins USC Rossier as visiting scholar

    With over 25 years of public and private sector experience, Anderson will share his expertise on the future of work and schooling.

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  6. Rossier News

    District leaders gathered to tackle the persistent challenges faced by their school communities

    USC Rossier hosted the second annual Breakthrough Leadership Institute from July 14 to 17.

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  7. Education News

    USC’s EdTech Accelerator Program opens its application portal

    Program helps aspiring EdTech professionals with training, mentorship and access to build solutions that improve outcomes for learners all over the world.

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  8. Faculty News

    Jessica DeCuir-Gunby named president of the APA’s Educational Psychology Division

    In the new role, DeCuir-Gunby aims to expand the group’s membership, improve the integration of DEI into the field and better connect research to practice.

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