USC Rossier School of Education offers a wide range of academic programs designed for aspiring teachers, experienced educators and organizational leaders at various stages in their careers. Our programs offer exceptional academic preparation that reflects our mission to advance educational equity.

Doctoral Degree Programs
We award doctoral degrees in two distinct categories:
The PhD prepares research scholars.
Our EdD programs enable education practitioners to expand their leadership opportunities.

Master’s Degree Programs
USC Rossier offers a range of academic programs that prepare students to start and advance careers as teachers, school administrations, instructional designers, counselors and therapists. Our programs combine research and practice to help students apply innovative techniques in classrooms and learning environments around the world.

Undergraduate Programs
USC Rossier offers different types of minors and progressive degree programs to engage undergraduate students in exploring the socio-cultural aspects of educational issues. Students who elect an education minor will benefit from working closely with USC Rossier’s renowned faculty and instructors to navigate academic and professional trajectories in education-related fields.

Professional Development Programs
The Office for Professional Development offers certificate and non-certificate programs as well as customized professional development for teachers, leaders and administrators in K–12, offices of education and school districts.