Faculty & Research
USC Rossier’s faculty members are world-class researchers and practitioners dedicated to advancing educational equity and solving the most intractable problems in education.

USC Rossier Faculty Stand Out
Faculty are elected members of the National Academy of Education.
The National Academy recognizes researchers for their portfolio of education-related research.
Of new faculty hires are scholars of color.
Fourteen new faculty joined USC Rossier this past year.
USC Rossier faculty are among Education Week’s Top 200 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings.
Our scholars were named for their influence on educational policy and practice.

Research at USC Rossier
USC Rossier is a major recipient of research grants and contracts, with $15.7 million in research funding awarded in 2020–2021. Unlike most schools of education, USC Rossier takes a holistic approach to research that avoids silos by grouping faculty research into four flexible categories.

USC Rossier Research Centers
Led by world-class faculty, USC Rossier’s research centers conduct cutting-edge research in several critical areas. The work of our centers is guided by a desire to positively impact educational policy and practice at all levels.
USC Rossier Research in Action
At USC Rossier, education research is interdisciplinary and translational. "Mattering in the Margins: Skateboarders’ Stories of Mental Health Challenges and Opportunities" is a study led by Pullias Center Research Professor Zöe B. Corwin. The study brings together a team of scholars to explore and share stories of skateboarders. The group is studying skateboarders during this current period of upheaval and developing actionable suggestions for practitioner, policymaker, academic and industry audiences serving at-promise youth.
USC Rossier Faculty News
For the Media
USC Rossier faculty members have expertise in higher education, K–12 education policy, education psychology and teacher education, and are regularly available to media. To arrange an interview, please contact the faculty member directly or speak with our director of media relations Ellen Evaristo. Any questions about school operations should also be addressed to Ellen Evaristo.