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  • Teaching resources
  1. Educator Tips

    How can teachers integrate transcendent thinking and civic reasoning into the classroom?

    USC CANDLE researchers offer guidance on how educators can apply the findings from their landmark study.

    Featured Faculty

  2. Rossier News

    A year of innovation, leadership and resilience in education

    From groundbreaking research in AI and criminal justice to championing diversity and transforming K–12 education, 2024 has been a year of progress at USC Rossier.

  3. Faculty News

    Beyond the board

    Zoë Corwin, principal investigator of USC Skate Studies, discusses skateboarding’s impact on mental health and gender empowerment.

    Featured Faculty

  4. Educator Tips

    A new tool for educators running on empty

    Identity-based, radical self-care practices can provide teachers with the tools they need to recharge.

    Featured Faculty

  5. Rossier News

    USC Rossier announces partnership with City Year

    Scholarship offered to AmeriCorps members applying to USC Rossier’s Master of Arts in Teaching program.

    Featured Faculty

  6. Faculty News

    May is Foster Care Month

    Royel Johnson, USC Rossier associate professor, highlighted the ongoing need for more foster families and resources to ensure every child has the opportunity to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

    Featured Faculty

  7. Research

    Scaling up AI-based professional development for math teachers everywhere

    New study positively reports the impact of AI-powered teacher professional development on mathematics instruction.

    Featured Faculty

  8. Research

    Transforming research and theory to practical applications in education

    2024 USC Rossier Research conference showcases current research across centers and programs.

    Featured Faculty

  9. Faculty News

    Professor Adrianna Kezar and alum Jordan Harper discuss their new book on leadership in higher education

    In “Higher Education Leadership: Challenging Tradition and Forging Possibilities,” the authors highlight the challenges of neoliberalism and White supremacy and provide insight on new and evolving interdisciplinary leadership approaches to resist and dismantle oppressive systems.

    Featured Faculty