Yasemin Copur-Gencturk

  • Associate Professor of Education
  • Katzman/Ernst Chair for Educational Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
  • Co-Director of USC STEM Center

Research Concentration

  • Teacher Education


PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


  • knowledge for teaching mathematics, teacher knowledge, mathematics education, mathematics teacher education, professional development, teacher learning.
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Yasemin  Copur-Gencturk

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Yasemin Copur-Gencturk is an associate professor at the University of Southern California. Copur-Gencturk received her Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, summa cum laude, and master’s degrees in education and statistics, respectively. Copur-Gencturk’s research focuses on identification and development of the knowledge needed for quality teaching and student learning and understanding the role of teachers’ knowledge and implicit beliefs in equity in mathematics classrooms. Copur-Gencturk’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Institute of Education Sciences, and she is an NSF Fellow who has been trained to conduct equity-sensitive quantitative research. Her work has been published in Computers and Education, Educational Researcher, the American Educational Research Journal, and the Journal of Teacher Education. 

Awards and Grants

NSF Fellow for SIARM for STEM Education Research, 2021-2023

Excellence in Research Award, USC Rossier School of Education, 2020

AERA Open Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2019

AERA-SIG Research in Mathematics Education Early Career Publication Award for article "The Effects of Changes in Mathematical Knowledge on Teaching: A Longitudinal Study of Teachers’ Knowledge and Instruction" , 2016

Courses Taught

EDUC 566: Teaching Mathematics and Science

EDUC 673: Applications of Elementary Mathematics, Science and Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy A

EDUC 677: Applications of Elementary Mathematics, Science and Physical Education Curriculum and Pedagogy, Part B 

EDUC 677: Applications of Secondary Mathematics Curriculum and Pedagogy 



NSF CAREER: Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics Among Beginning Teachers.  $630, 000. Principal Investigator. 

Advancing Middle School Teachers' Understanding of Proportional Reasoning for Teaching. $1,399,982. Principal Investigator with Ben Nye, Chandra Orrill, and Al Cohen, co-principal investigators. Institue of Education Sciences.

Usable Measures of Teacher Understanding: Exploring Diagnostic Models and Topic Analysis as Tools for Assessing Proportional Reasoning for Teaching. Principal Investigator. Chandra Orrill, Al Cohen, and Jonathan Templin, co-investigators. NSF, $ 2,168,584.

Immersive Virtual Learning for Worker-Robot Teamwork on Construction Sites. Burcin Becerik-Gerber, principal investigator. Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Lucio Soibelman, Gale Lucas, co-investigators. NSF, $ 750,000. 

Intelligent, Adaptive Program with Just-in-time Feedback for Preservice Teachers.  Principal Investigator. Jiliang Tang,  Al Cohen, and Shiyu Wang, co-investigators. NSF, $ 1,999,680. 

The Role of Knowledgehook in Improving Teaching and Learning Math, 2023-2024. Principal Investigator, $152,814