USC Rossier researchers are heading to the City of Brotherly Love for the 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, the largest convening of education researchers in the country. From April 11 to 14, USC Rossier faculty and doctoral students combined will be participating in over 80 presentations at the AERA conference.
The theme this year is “Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action.” The conference asks and challenges the education research community to “engage in a massive undertaking of attending to the simultaneous act of dismantling racial injustice and constructing educational possibilities across P–20 systems,” according to AERA President Tyrone Howard, who recently spoke at USC Rossier’s Research for Impact conference earlier in March.
With 13,000 AERA members attending each year, the conference offers scholars the opportunity to learn from each other, discover the latest research and foster professional relationships. USC Rossier will be represented by 62 faculty, doctoral students and recent alumni. Topics range from AI in higher education and STEM in middle schools to the role of student-teacher race and the effects of racism on undergraduate mental health.
Associate Professor Huriya Jabbar, whose research uses sociological and critical theories to examine how market-based ideas in PK–12 and higher education shape inequality, opportunity and democracy in the U.S., will be participating in eight discussions during the conference. Of the eight, she is one of the chairs for the panel Constructing New Possibilities for Racialized Organizations Theory in Educational Research. This panel brings together papers that use and build on Ray's (2019) Racialized Organizational Theory, which is useful to understand how racism is embedded in the structures, systems, routines and everyday practices of schooling. The papers illustrate ways in which scholars can operationalize and concretize a complex theory so that future scholarship can tackle critical questions about educational organizations, disrupting the field’s historical “race neutral” approach.
Matthew Coopilton (formerly Hamilton), a 2023 USC Rossier alum, is chair for Critical Game Literacies For the Abolition of White Supremacy and Hetero-Patriarchy panel. The panel will share theoretical frameworks and empirical findings around how young people develop critical game literacy skills. The panel will focus on how Black, Latine and LGBTQIA+ gamers have critiqued systemic racism and hetero-patriarchy and playfully imagined futures where they are abolished. The papers will also propose ways that educators can design learning environments to support critical game literacies.
USC Rossier will host a reception to celebrate scholars—faculty and doctoral students—for their recent achievements. Among those to be honored at the reception include Gale Sinatra for being named USC Distinguished Professor, Shaun Harper for his 2024 American College Personnel Association Contribution to Higher Education Award and Tracy Poon Tambascia for her 2024-2024 American Council on Education Fellowship. Additional awards and honors to be announced at the reception.

Below is a full list of USC Rossier’s community members who will be presenting, along with their topics. Visit AERA 2024 for more information.
- April 11: Author, Support Networks and Sense of Community: A Qualitative Investigation of the Experiences of Latina Transfers
- April 10: Chair, Division C New Faculty Mentoring Program
- April 14: Participant, Developing Sustainable Collaborations in Educational Research
- April 14: Presenter, Division C Jan Hawkins Award and Outstanding Early Career Scholar Award Session
- April 14: Chair, Division C Vice Presidential Session 3 TBD
- April 13: Author, Parent Stress and the Unequal Burdens of School Choice
Valencia Belle
- April 13: Panelist, State of Graduate Students Within AERA
- April 12: Author, Responding to Crises: Education in the Wake of COVID-19
- April 12: Author, Surviving in the Wake: Black Families' Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 14: Discussant, Intersections of Race and Class in Urban School Choice
Serina Clara Bravo
- April 11: Author, Latin* Students' Major and Career Development: A Familial and Community Cultural Wealth Analysis
- April 12: Author, Educators Addressing Trauma: Building Rapport With Students in Juvenile Correctional Schools
- April 12: Author, Educators Addressing Trauma: Building Rapport With Students in Juvenile Correctional Schools
Ting-Han Chang
- April 12: Author, Enhancing STEM Identity for Minoritized Middle School Students in a Multicultural Context: A Quasi-Experimental Study
- April 14: Author, College Students of Color’s STEM Identity Development Through Participating in an Intergenerational Mentorship Program
- April 13: Author, Enacted Micropolitics in Secondary Teacher Course Assignment
- April 12: Author, Enhancing STEM Identity for Minoritized Middle School Students in a Multicultural Context: A Quasi-Experimental Study
- April 13: Author, College Prep Program Alums' Transition to College
- April 14: Author, College Students of Color’s STEM Identity Development Through Participating in an Intergenerational Mentorship Program
- April 11: Author, Latin* Students' Major and Career Development: A Familial and Community Cultural Wealth Analysis
- April 13: Author, Complicating Understandings of Low-Income Students’ Financial Stress and Well-Being in Order to Inform Institutional Support
- April 13: Author, Applying Black Intellectual Thought to Organizational Theory: Toward Critical Collaborative Institutional Agency in Higher Education
- April 14: Author, Navigating Well-Being and Thriving in Postsecondary Spaces: At-Promise Student and Practitioner Perspectives
- April 14: Author, Does an AI-Supported Teacher Professional Learning System Improve Student Performance?
- April 14: Author, Racial and Gender Bias in Teacher Feedback
- April 14: Author, Teachers’ Self-Regulated Learning and Knowledge Development in An Asynchronous Online Professional Development Program
- April 13: Author, Enacted Micropolitics in Secondary Teacher Course Assignment
- April 11: Author, The Role of Leadership in Promoting Anti-racist Approaches In Motivation Research
- April 14: Author, An Investigation into the Complexity and Robustness of MMR Data Collection and Analysis
Kristen Elliott
- April 12: Author, Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Practices in Online Math Learning Spaces
- April 13: Author, Enacted Micropolitics in Secondary Teacher Course Assignment
Ronald Hallett
- April 13: Author, Applying Black Intellectual Thought to Organizational Theory: Toward Critical Collaborative Institutional Agency in Higher Education
Matthew Coopliton
- April 13: Chair, Critical Game Literacies For the Abolition of White Supremacy and Hetero-Patriarchy
- April 13: Author, Learning in Abolitionist Gaming
- April 13: Author, Design Principles for Critical Game Literacy Learning Environments: Findings From a Critical Game Jam
- April 13: Author, Abolitionist and Afrofuturist Game Design Pedagogies
- April 11: Chair, Complicating Black Fatherhood as a Site of Educational Theorizing and Practice
- April 11: Author, Understanding Femmephobia Within Queer Communities: Insights From Gay Latino College Men
- April 13: Participant, Centering Black Children in Education: Revolutionizing K-12 and Higher Institutions and Research Toward Our Collective Liberation
- April 13: Author, Advancing Student Academic Success through Research and Program Development
- April 14: Speaker, From The East To The West, From Psychology To Philosophy: Constructing Educational Possibilities And Solutions
Mabel Eunice Hernandez
- April 13: Author, College Prep Program Alums' Transition to College
Elizabeth M. Holcombe
- April 12: Author, Humanizing Shared Equity Leadership: Growth and Development on the Personal Journey Toward Critical Consciousness
- April 11: Author, From Neighborhood Schools to Juvy: Reflections of Alternative Learning Environments from Former Gang Members
- April 12: Author, Educators Addressing Trauma: Building Rapport With Students in Juvenile Correctional Schools
- April 13: Author, Examining Employers’ Perspectives and Needs for Community College Baccalaureate Degree Programs
- April 13: Author, A Qualitative Exploration of Gang-Involved Latino Boys' Educational and Career Aspirations in K-12
- April 14: Author, Exploring the Academic and Parental Experiences of Community College Student Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 14: Author, Dismantling Racial Injustice: Contributions of the Science of Learning and Development
Huriya Jabbar
- April 11: Author, Network Analysis to Inform Policy: Testing a Rapid-Response Approach
- April 12: Chair, Constructing New Possibilities for Racialized Organizations Theory in Educational Research
- April 13: Author, Policy Implementation: A Behavioral Economics Perspective
- April 13: Author,Parent Stress and the Unequal Burdens of School Choice
- April 13: Author, Racialized Social Networks, Instructional Advice, and Retention of Teachers of Color
- April 14: Author, The Relational and Academic Costs of Racialized Turnover and Shortages on Students
- April 14: Author, Social Networks and Educational Opportunity in a Mixed-Income Neighborhood
- April 14: Author, Easy as 1-2-3: Teaching Antiracism to Preschoolers at Home
De’Andra Johnson
- April 13: Author, Abolitionist and Afrofuturist Game Design Pedagogies
- April 14: Chair, Disrupting Racial Inequality in College Students’ Experiences: Insights from National Survey Research
- April 14: Author, The Experiences, Perceptions, and Consequences of Racism among Racially Minoritized Undergraduate Students
- April 12: Author, Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Practices in Online Math Learning Spaces
Joretta B. Joseph
- April 12: Author: Doctoral Education and Federal Government Policy Making During Times of Crisis: A Case Study of the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 12: Author, Humanizing Shared Equity Leadership: Growth and Development on the Personal Journey Toward Critical Consciousness
- April 13: Author, Applying Black Intellectual Thought to Organizational Theory: Toward Critical Collaborative Institutional Agency in Higher Education
- April 11: Author, Latin* Students' Major and Career Development: A Familial and Community Cultural Wealth Analysis
- April 13: Author, A Teacher Similar to Me: The Role of Student-Teacher Race
- April 13: Chair, Innovative School Transformation and Reform SIG Business Meeting
- April 14: Author, The Experiences, Perceptions, and Consequences of Racism among Racially Minoritized Undergraduate Students
Khalilah Lauderdale
- April 13: Author, Complicating Understandings of Low-Income Students’ Financial Stress and Well-Being in Order to Inform Institutional Support
- April 12: Author, Teacher Support for Students’ Engagement: Differences across School Levels Based on a National Teacher Survey
- April 13: Author, Anti-Asian Racism and Well-Being in Higher Education
- April 13: Author, Racism and well-being: What attenuates the negative effects of racism on Asian undergraduates’ mental health?
- April 13: Author, Surveying the National Classroom: An Exploration of School Climate, Burnout, and Engagement
- April 14: Author, Does an AI-Supported Teacher Professional Learning System Improve Student Performance?
- April 14: Author, Teachers’ Self-Regulated Learning and Knowledge Development in An Asynchronous Online Professional Development Program
- April 12: Author, Understanding How Latina PhD Student Mothers “Negotiated” Choosing Between Familia and Academia During the Pandemic
- April 13: Author: Gatekeep or Gateway: Exploring How Latina/o/x Ph.D. Students Develop, Sustain, and Utilize Validating Faculty Mentoring Relationships
- April 14: Author, Exploring the Academic and Parental Experiences of Community College Student Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kristyn Lue
- April 12, Author: Transnational Racialization and Sensemaking: An Exploratory Inter-ethnic Comparison of Asian International Students’ Post-COVID Experiences
- April 14: Discussant, Community, Pedagogy, and Possibility
- April 14: Discussant, Faculty Experiences and Environments: A Deeper Understanding
Tr’Vel Lyons
- April 11: Participant, Lessons and Reflections from Ghana: Toward Justice and Freedom in the United States Education System
- April 11: Author, No Room for Black Joy: Deconstructing Notions of Anti-Blackness in College Preparation for Black Boys
- April 11: Author, Support Networks and Sense of Community: A Qualitative Investigation of the Experiences of Latina Transfers
- April 12: Author, Responding to Crises: Education in the Wake of COVID-19
- April 12: Author, Surviving in the Wake: Black Families' Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 13: Author, Bound by Time: A Discourse Analysis of COVID-19-Related Education Research
- April 13: Author, Anti-Asian Racism and Well-Being in Higher Education
- April 13: Author, Racism and well-being: What attenuates the negative effects of racism on Asian undergraduates’ mental health?
- April 13: Author, Policy Implementation From a Micropolitical Perspective
Mariama Nagbe
- April 12: Author Racialized Organizations in Slavery’s Afterlife: Deconstructing Black Intellectual Un/freedom on the Academic Plantation
- April 13: Author, Applying Black Intellectual Thought to Organizational Theory: Toward Critical Collaborative Institutional Agency in Higher Education
- April 11: Discussant, Carcerality and Education: A Qualitative Focus of Alternative Learning Environments and Racial /Ethnic Minoritized Students
- April 14: Discussant, Ecological Perspectives of Well-Being in Higher Education Spaces
- April 12: Author, Responding to Crises: Education in the Wake of COVID-19
- April 12: Author, Surviving in the Wake: Black Families' Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 12: Chair, Exploring Anti-Racist and Social Justice Teaching
- April 14: Discussant, Towards increased cultural connectedness, race-consciousness, and critical care: School administrator and Student Perspectives
George Panayiotou
- April 13: Participants, Joint Reception: Leadership for School Improvement SIG, Educational Change SIG, Organizational Theory SIG
- April 14: Panelist, Leadership for School Improvement SIG Business Meeting
- April 11: Author, Relationship Between Experiences of Autonomy and Well(Ill)-Being for K-12 Youth: A Meta-Analysis
- April 11: Author, A Meta-Analysis to Examine the Effect of Refutational Instruction on Misconceptions
- April 12: Author, Teacher Support for Students’ Engagement: Differences across School Levels Based on a National Teacher Survey
- April 13: Author, Surveying the National Classroom: An Exploration of School Climate, Burnout, and Engagement
Christine Rocha
- April 14: Author, Navigating Well-Being and Thriving in Postsecondary Spaces: At-Promise Student and Practitioner Perspectives
Claudia Rodriguez
- April 14: Author, Navigating Well-Being and Thriving in Postsecondary Spaces: At-Promise Student and Practitioner Perspectives
- April 11: Chair, Carcerality and Education: A Qualitative Focus of Alternative Learning Environments and Racial/Ethnic Minoritized Students
- April 11: Author, A Meta-Analysis to Examine the Effect of Refutational Instruction on Misconceptions
- April 12: Author, Overcoming Confusion: An Intervention to Regulate Confusion During Complex Mathematics Problem-Solving
- April 12: Author, Supporting the Development of Students’ Scholar Activist Identities: A Teaching Team’s Collaborative Autoethnography
- April 13: Author, Enacted Micropolitics in Secondary Teacher Course Assignment
Ralitsa Todorova
- April 13: Author, Differences and Similarities in Time Use and Well-Being Among Female and Male Undergraduates
- April 13: Author, Complicating Understandings of Low-Income Students’ Financial Stress and Well-Being in Order to Inform Institutional Support
- April 14: Chair: Ecological Perspectives of Well-Being in Higher Education Spaces
- April 14: Author, Navigating Well-Being and Thriving in Postsecondary Spaces: At-Promise Student and Practitioner Perspectives
- April 13: Author, A Teacher Similar to Me: The Role of Student-Teacher Race
- April 13: Author, Anti-Asian Racism and Well-Being in Higher Education
- April 13: Author, Racism and well-being: What attenuates the negative effects of racism on Asian undergraduates’ mental health?
- April 11: Author, Support Networks and Sense of Community: A Qualitative Investigation of the Experiences of Latina Transfers
- April 13: Chair, Examining Community College Baccalaureates (CCBs) as Tools for Social Mobility and Equity
- April 13: Author, Examining Employers’ Perspectives and Needs for Community College Baccalaureate Degree Programs
- April 14: Author, Exploring the Academic and Parental Experiences of Community College Student Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- April 12: Author, Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Practices in Online Math Learning Spaces
- April 12: Participant, Dismantling the Color Lines of the 21st Century: Race and Racism in AI-Enabled Social and Virtual Spaces
- April 13: Author, Abolitionist and Afrofuturist Game Design Pedagogies
- April 12: Chair, Leadership Influences
- April 12: Author, Humanizing Shared Equity Leadership: Growth and Development on the Personal Journey Toward Critical Consciousness
- April 13: Author, Anti-Asian Racism and Well-Being in Higher Education
- April 13: Author, Racism and well-being: What attenuates the negative effects of racism on Asian undergraduates’ mental health?
- April 11: Author, Relationship Between Experiences of Autonomy and Well(Ill)-Being for K-12 Youth: A Meta-Analysis
- April 12: Author, Teacher Support for Students’ Engagement: Differences across School Levels Based on a National Teacher Survey
- April 13: Author, Surveying the National Classroom: An Exploration of School Climate, Burnout, and Engagement
Changzhao Wang
- April 12: Author, Promoting Middle School Students’ Understanding of AI Ethics Through a Designed AI Curriculum
Jeanette Zambrano
- April 12: Author, Teacher Support for Students’ Engagement: Differences across School Levels Based on a National Teacher Survey
- April 13: Author, Surveying the National Classroom: An Exploration of School Climate, Burnout, and Engagement
This schedule was compiled by Monica Lopez from the USC Rossier Research Office.