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  • STEM
  1. Faculty News

    Individualized learning attuned to students’ histories and cultures

    Incoming professor uses learning analytics to put students’ needs first.

    Featured Faculty

  2. Education News

    Putting the science of learning into practice

    Transforming the lives of students through fuller engagement.

  3. Research

    Social-emotional support from teachers is critical to boosting girls’ persistence in STEM

    Erika Patall tracked high school girls’ classroom experiences and motivations in science classes.

    Featured Faculty

  4. Rossier News

    Accepted into graduate science program, then isolated

    CUE Associate Director Lindsey Malcom-Piqueux changing the world she left behind.

  5. Faculty News

    Improving math placement in community colleges

    Tatiana Melguizo fosters a new partnership between LAUSD and the Los Angeles Community College District.

    Featured Faculty

  6. Research

    Keeping first-generation students in STEM

    A new report from the Pullias Center explores the keys to success for retaining STEM majors at Cal State campuses.

    Featured Faculty

  7. Research

    Research center finds new collaborator for IoT initiative

    CHARIOT and Smartron will work together to create classroom wearables.

    Featured Faculty

  8. Research

    For minority college students, STEM degrees pay big

    Study finds degrees in science, technology, engineering and math associated with 25 to 50 percent higher earnings; Latino college grads are highest earners

  9. Rossier News

    Innovative curriculum boosts fourth graders’ knowledge of Math and Science

    Use of Speedometry also leads to improvements in girls’ attitudes toward math and science

  10. Rossier News

    Dean Gallagher addresses the future of STEM on Aerospace Corporation panel

    Spotlights Math for America and USC Hybrid High School as models of success STEM careers are stimulating, rewarding and consistently lucrative—the average salary across all STEM fields is 1.7 times...