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  1. Faculty News

    Kezar’s research spurs national discussion on new faculty model for higher education

    As director of the Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success, USC Rossier Professor Adrianna Kezar has conducted various investigations into the evolution of higher education and the...

  2. Rossier News

    A global perspective

    EdD students investigate effects of school leadership in Costa Rica

  3. Rossier News

    Delphi Project releases new study on future of the faculty

    Report challenges pervasive myths college faculty, identifies priorities moving forward The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success, an initiative of the Pullias Center for Higher Education, has...

    Featured Faculty

  4. Rossier News

    Mary Atwater James joins USC Rossier’s board of councilors

    Early supporter of USC Hybrid High School

  5. Educator Tips

    Movies made for the classroom

    New partnership formed by USC Rossier combines film-based curricula with professional development for teachers

  6. Alumni Story

    L’Cena Brunskill Rice ’53 inducted into Half Century Trojan Hall of Fame

    Dean Karen Symms Gallagher praises alumnae as model of USC Rossier’s mission

  7. Rossier News

    Katharine Strunk and Julie Marsh on team given $1 million Lyle Spencer Research Award

    Study to examine implementation and early outcomes of portfolio governance models in three cities

  8. Rossier News

    Dean Gallagher addresses the future of STEM on Aerospace Corporation panel

    Spotlights Math for America and USC Hybrid High School as models of success STEM careers are stimulating, rewarding and consistently lucrative—the average salary across all STEM fields is 1.7 times...

  9. Faculty News

    Changing the lens

    One USC Rossier expert on diversity in higher education gets a new global perspective Darnell Cole, Associate Professor of Education at USC Rossier, has devoted his career to understanding how...

  10. Student Story

    De Oliveira MAT ’15 caps her online education with on-campus graduation

    This year’s Master’s Commencement Ceremony marked a high point for many students. For online students, it was even more exhilarating, as it was the first time as USC Rossier students...