Rossier News

Tools for inclusive teaching

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Welcome to the USC Rossier resource page for inclusive teaching! This page was developed by the USC Rossier School of Education to help faculty across all courses and programs (at USC and at other institutions around the globe) better teach the concepts of diversity.

Diversity is one of the four pillars of our school’s mission and values, and is intended to be integrated across all curriculum and student experiences.

Teaching diversity can be challenging, particularly concepts like privilege, identity and consciousness raising. Our goal is to unpack these sensitive topics and identify ways to address them.

How to this page

The resources on the Tools for Inclusive Teaching page help faculty provide readings for courses, and can also be used as activities and resources in class.

This page is organized around different facets of diversity – gender, sexual orientation, race, social class, disabilities and the like. We hope that these resources help provide a platform to highlight the complexity of diversity in all of its various forms.

Want to create more incluuse sive and equitable learning environments? Find out how our doctoral programs prepare you to drive change.

Inclusive teaching strategies

Racial, ethnic and cultural diversity

Gender issues

Sexual orientation


Religious diversity

USC on-campus resources

Additional web resources

Articles on inclusive teaching

Laura L.B. Border and Nancy Van Note Chism, Editors, New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 1992, Volume 49

Adams, M. Cultural Inclusion in the American College Classroom

Anderson, J.; Adams, M. Acknowledging the Learning Styles of Diverse Student Populations: Implications for Instructional Design

Border, L.; Chism, N. The Future is Now: A Call for Action and List of Resources

Collett, J.; Serrano, B. Stirring It Up: The Inclusive Classroom

Maher, F.; Tetreault, M. Inside Feminist Classrooms: An Ethnographic Approach

Sadker, M.; Sadker, D. Ensuring Equitable Participation in College Classes

Schmitz, B.; Paul, P.; Greenberg, J. Creating Multicultural Classrooms: An Experience-Derived Faculty Development Program

Vom Saal, D.; Jefferson, D.; Morrison, M. Improving the Climate: Eight Universities Meet the Challenges of Diversity

Maurianne Adams, Editor, New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 1992, Volume 52

Curtis, M.S.; Herrington, A.J., Diversity in Required Writing Courses

Hardiman, R.; Jackson, B., Racial Identity Development: Understanding Racial Dynamics in College Classrooms and on Campus

Hunt, J.A., Monoculturalism to multiculturalism: Lessons from Three Public Universities

Marchesani, L.; Adams, M., Dynamics of Diversity in the Teaching-Learning Process: A Faculty Development Model for Analysis and Action

Noronha, J., International and Multicultural Education: Unrelated Adversaries or Successful Partners?

Schmitz. B., Cultural Pluralism and Core Curricula

Weinstein, G.; Obear, K., Bias Issues in the Classroom: Encounters with the Teaching Self.

Article Type