Barbara J. Rossier MEd ’70, EdD ’71 was honored at a celebration of her life on October 23 at Town & Gown. USC Rossier, the School of Education’s benefactor and Board of Councilors chair for 20 years, passed away in August. The memorial attracted family, friends and colleagues at a standing-room only tribute led by USC President C.L. Max Nikias. Paying tribute to Rossier was Dean Karen Symms Gallagher, who remarked on how, when she became Dean in 2000, she was coached by Barbara Rossier on the importance of global partnerships. Fellow USC Trustee Carol J. Fox MS ’62 reflected on the guidance she received from Rossier when she became a Trustee and then joined the Board of Councilors, and fellow USC alumnus Tom Halvorsen Ed.D. ’80 talked of the power of the phrase ‘Barbara wants to talk to you’ in encouraging him and his wife to join multiple Trojan activities and support functions. Former Dean Guilbert Hentschke reflected on the Rossiers’ extraordinary $20 million gift in 1998, unprecedented at the time, which resulted in the naming of the USC Rossier School of Education.

Roger Rossier EdD ’72 expressed his deep appreciation to the large gathering, and accepted a proclamation to his late wife, acknowledging her multiple services to the University.