
Course Schedule
The full-time and part-time course schedule below should be used as an example. Contact your admission representative to discuss your specific course schedule.
Year 1
Fall Semester
History of Higher Education
Examine the roles and functions of higher education from historical and contemporary perspectives, with a focus on equity and urban education.
Student Development in Higher Education
Review theories of college student development and application of developmental models to program design, interventions, outreach, and research programs.
Legal Issues in the Administration of Higher Education
Analyze legal issues related to the administration of higher education with an emphasis on relations with students, faculty, staff, alumni and campus communities.
Focus Course One
View the focus courses at the bottom of this page for course options.
Spring Semester
Identity and Diversity
Explore the historical and contemporary foundations of hierarchies and relationships of power, sociocultural diversity of experiences and sociopolitical resistance within higher education.
Research Methods and Applied Educational Ethnography
Explore the use of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research to explore problems/opportunities of practice in higher education.
Leadership and Management in Student Affairs
Examine the delivery of student services and programs in higher education, organizational behavior, management systems, administrative procedures and alternative leadership styles.
Focus Course Two
View the focus courses at the bottom of this page for course options.
Summer Session
Higher Education Capstone
Demonstrate your accumulated training in the PASA program in a single original project, subject to instructor’s approval and supervision.
Focus Course Three
View the focus courses at the bottom of this page for course options.
Part-Time Course Schedule
Year 1
Fall Semester
History of Higher Education
Examine the roles and functions of higher education from historical and contemporary perspectives, with a focus on equity and urban education.
Student Development in Higher Education
Review theories of college student development and application of developmental models to program design, interventions, outreach, and research programs.
Spring Semester
Identity and Diversity
Explore the historical and contemporary foundations of hierarchies and relationships of power, sociocultural diversity of experiences and sociopolitical resistance within higher education.
Research Methods and Applied Educational Ethnography
Explore the use of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research to explore problems/opportunities of practice in higher education.
Year 2
Fall Semester
Legal Issues in the Administration of Higher Education
Analyze legal issues related to the administration of higher education with an emphasis on relations with students, faculty, staff, alumni and campus communities.
Focus Course 1
View the focus courses at the bottom of this page for course options.
Spring Semester
Leadership and Management in Student Affairs
Examine the delivery of student services and programs in higher education, organizational behavior, management systems, administrative procedures and alternative leadership styles.
Focus Course 2
View the focus courses at the bottom of this page for course options.
Summer Semester
Demonstrate your accumulated training in the PASA program in a single original project, subject to instructor’s approval and supervision.
Focus Course 3
View the focus courses at the bottom of this page for course options.
Focus Courses
You can select three focus courses, using any combination of courses from the student affairs or athletic administration paths.
Student Affairs Focus
EDHP 503 | (3 units)
Curriculum Teaching and Learning in Higher, Adult and Professional Education
Examine curriculum, teaching and learning strategies for general, vocational, and professional education; planning for lifelong learning; theories, policies, and practices for higher, adult, and professional education.
EDUC 531 | (3 units)
Student Disability Issues in Higher Education
Understand the history of the disability movement; examine current research on the success of students with disabilities in higher education; legal and management issues.
EDUC 609 | (3 units)
Academic Advising in Postsecondary Administration
Contemporary issues in academic advising in postsecondary education. Examines and analyzes relevant theories, policies, and practices related to academic advising.
EDUC 663 | (3 units)
Race and Racism
Explore topics and issues pertaining to race, racism and racial equity. While most emphasis is placed on P-12 schools and postsecondary institutions, attention also is paid to larger historical, cultural, political, structural, and systemic forces that cyclically reproduce racially disparate experiences and outcomes in the United States.
EDUC 689 | (3 units)
Fiscal Support and Expenditure in Higher Education
Analyze private and public financial support and expenditure patterns; includes recent trends in state and federal legislation related to higher education
Athletic Administration Focus
EDUC 611 | (3 units)
Athletic Administration
Analyze and discuss critical issues in intercollegiate athletics, including student-athlete academic and social accountability; challenges of NCAA policies; commercialization, marketing, and fundraising in college athletics.
EDUC 617 | (3 units)
The Student Athlete in Higher Education
Examine student athletes in higher education and review effective strategies for counseling and advising college student athletes; issues and challenges of athletic amateurism.
EDUC 613 | (3 units)
Title IX and Gender Issues
Review, analyze and discuss social, political and legal issues surrounding Title IX and its implications for institutions of higher education.