Rossier News

USC College Advising Corps steps up to the plate

A homerun partnership with Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation for summer college workshops.

By Nancy Reyes Peña Published on

Have you ever considered the powerful connection between college and sports, and how they can shape futures, build communities and illuminate a path to success? This summer, the USC College Advising Corps (USC CAC)—a division of the USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice (CERPP)—partnered with the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation (LADF) to facilitate its College & Career Accelerator Workshops. Held at the iconic Dodgers Stadium, CAC advisers engaged middle school, high school and college students by planning out their goals and constructing a game plan to achieve them.

LADF Chief Executive Officer Nichol Whiteman said, “The collaboration between the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation and USC Rossier’s College Advising Corps has been an incredible experience for our young participants. Together, we are empowering students to pursue their college aspirations by providing them with the tools, resources and guidance they need to navigate their academic journeys. Through our College and Career Accelerator workshops, career panels and community events, we are creating a pathway for success, ensuring every student has the opportunity to dream big and achieve their goals."

USC Dodger Day
LADF Playbook, created by Mariah Jacobo, USC CAC program coordinator.

To enhance the experience, USC CAC Program Coordinator Mariah Jacobo assembled a “playbook” to illustrate the journey of applying to college from 7th to 12th grade with baseball analogies, and matching visuals. The playbook not only assists in the overall comprehension of post secondary education, but it also aids in unveiling the link between college access and sports. Jacobo said, “As part of the Los Angeles Dodger Foundation, the workbook is designed with the understanding that baseball is familiar territory for these students. We use the analogy of a hitter to make the concepts relatable." The workbook for example starts off with 7th and 8th grade as represented by ‘on deck’—just as a baseball player does when they are getting ready to bat according to Jacobo. "Students in these grades are getting ready for their college journey.” She compared first base to 9th grade, referring to the obstacles students may face as ‘striking out’ while ‘scoring’ represents enrolling in college. This creative and engaging playbook uses a fun, sports-themed approach, inciting their curiosity about higher education and encouraging them to reflect on the exciting journey ahead. It ‘covers all bases’ and offers insights into financial aid options—a crucial topic that affects the decision of attending college for many students.

“Our next generation of leaders are our youth and they deserve an opportunity to be guided through college milestones,” said USC CAC Program Director Ara Arzumanian EdD ’23.

USC CAC Assistant Program Director Benjamin Robles said, “I love the opportunity to meet with students who are really engaged with the Dodgers Foundation and are engaged with athletics. And then they have a moment where they can see how they could bridge that experience to a career, be it with athletics. Maybe they want to become trainers or maybe they want to pursue sports in college, this opportunity where they have an ‘aha’ moment and realize, oh, I can turn this into a career.” According to Robles, many students are under the impression college and sports do not coincide and they must commit to one or the other, but with the help of USC CAC advisers they quickly make the connection they can create a pathway to pursue sports or a sport-related career.

As part of a powerful partnership aimed at empowering the next generation, USC CAC advisers provided critical guidance to students who are eager to succeed as they navigate the complexities of higher education. When asked about the impact of the LADF partnership, USC CAC Program Director Ara Arzumanian EdD ’23 said, “Within that partnership, we're really able to connect with a lot of students who definitely want to succeed and want to plan out their lives and achieve their goals. They need a helping hand from someone who knows about college, who knows about planning their career.” Arzumanian added that CAC advisers connect with students in that way. “Our next generation of leaders are our youth and they deserve an opportunity to be guided through college milestones,” he said. The partnership highlights the growing need for mentorship in the education sector, particularly for students who do not have resources readily available. By connecting students with dedicated advisers, the program helps plant the seeds of our future to ensure our generation blossoms.

USC CAC Dodger Day
USC CAC Adviser Megan Imai engages with youth playing basketball at a USC hoop. (Photo/J. Posselt)

To supplement the summer workshops, CAC advisers also joined LADF’s Dodger Days as part of their Dodgers Dreamteam program hosted at different parks within the community. Advisers created a fun and interactive environment for learning. The events featured various carnival games, including a coloring booth, Plinko, basketball and a range of carnival games. Each activity was designed to incorporate elements of college culture, encouraging young participants to engage and learn key information vital to their college journey.

The LADF partnership resonates with CERPP's mission to promote equity in education across all age groups by ensuring every child has the opportunity to succeed. CAC advisers sparked curiosity in youth by asking questions such as, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" or "What's your favorite subject in school?" Sebastian Ramirez, CAC adviser and chair of the internal Dodgers project committee, said, “Many attendees benefit from these interactions because they may have never heard of college or only know of one or two. After visiting our booth, they leave with a bit more knowledge about college, which increases their chances of pursuing higher education."

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