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    1. Shaun Harper

      • University Professor
      • Provost Professor of Education and Business
      • Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership
      • USC Race and Equity Center Founder and Executive Director

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • Race in K-12 • Higher Education, and Corporate Contexts • Urban Education • Boys and Men of Color • College Student Success • Intercollegiate Athletics
    2. Adrian H. Huerta

      • Assistant Professor of Education

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • Boys and Young Men of Color • College Access and (In)equity • Gang-associated Youth and Adults • High School to College Transition • Student Parents in Higher Education

      Contact Information

      Websites and Social Media

    3. Corinne Hyde

      • Professor of Clinical Education

      Research Concentration

      • Teacher Education


      • Learning Theories • Educational Technology • Information Literacy • Critical Media Literacy • Elementary Education • Teaching and Learning Online

      Contact Information

      Websites and Social Media

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    1. Mary Helen Immordino-Yang

      • Fahmy and Donna Attallah Chair in Humanistic Psychology
      • Director, USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (
      • Professor of Education, Psychology & Neuroscience
      • Brain & Creativity Institute; Rossier School of Education University of Southern California Member, U.S. National Academy of Education

      Research Concentration

      • Educational Psychology


      • Neuroscience of Learning • Creativity • Culture • Morality and Social Interaction