Strategic Plan 2024-2029

The mission of the USC Rossier School of Education is to prepare leaders to advance educational equity through practice, research, service, and policy advocacy. We work to improve learning opportunities and outcomes in a variety of settings and to address disparities that affect historically marginalized groups. We teach our students to value and respect the cultural context of the communities in which they work and to interrogate the systems of power that shape policies and practices. Through innovative thinking and research, we strive to solve the most intractable educational problems.
To fulfill this mission and for the Rossier School to thrive we must live our shared values of:
- Collaboration within the School amongst faculty, staff, and students extending to alumni and partners around the world;
- Inclusivity in our practices within the School to ensure each member of our community can engage broadly with fellow students, staff, faculty, alumni, and partners;
- Relevance as the core feature of our degree programs and our research;
- Transparency in our decision-making and administrative practices;
- Wellness for each member of our community so that we prioritize mental and physical health for our students, staff, and faculty.
Bolstering these capacities within the Rossier community underpins all of our efforts, and these values support our collective goals.
Learning and the discovery of new knowledge are fundamental to our mission, and accomplishing these at a world class standard requires robust partnerships that extend far beyond the Rossier School. To accomplish this we need an effective, supportive organizational culture and a strong financial position. This strategic plan is built around five main goals:
- Learning: Provide high quality learning experiences within and across all programs.
- Discovery: Advance and support educational research that is responsive to critical issues facing the communities we serve.
- Collaboration: Expand collaborative relationships with partners that advance equity and improve learning through intentional engagement.
- Organizational Culture: Strengthen practices and structures that foster teamwork, mutual respect, and wellness.
- Financial Stewardship: Ensure the financial health of the School and effective stewardship of our resources.
Each goal builds on our strengths and our shared beliefs as an academic community. Fulfilling these goals will further our mission and deepen our impact in the communities we serve.
The details below include our shared vision of the future we seek to create, the strategies we will utilize to achieve the goal, and the means by which we will measure our success. The Rossier community will work together each year to implement this plan. Those dynamic, shared efforts will evolve throughout the five-year period addressed by this document, thereby ensuring the ongoing relevance of the plan to our work.
We believe learning is a collaborative endeavor wherein students actively engage with one another and draw upon their individual and collective wisdom under the guidance of faculty and with support from staff. Indeed, effective learning must involve each of those stakeholders (students, staff, and faculty) on an active ongoing basis, with each person contributing and benefiting from those interactions. For our students, we believe learning should challenge them to effect positive, transformational change that advances equity. Teaching and learning at Rossier is relevant, practice-oriented, and evidence-based. We address student learning holistically, complementing classroom instruction with rich experiential engagement and mentorship. Advancing equity is foundational in our programs and we accomplish this by preparing our students to make an impact, particularly in historically marginalized communities.
GOAL: Provide high quality learning experiences within and across all programs.
To provide every student with high quality learning experiences we will:
- Utilize the Teaching Plan in all programs;
- Engage students in collaborative, reciprocal learning within the classroom and with faculty, staff, alumni and community partners;
- Expose students to ideas from a broad spectrum of perspectives and build a deeper understanding of the world;
- Empower students to interrogate assumptions, open new pathways to learning, and construct knowledge with guidance from faculty and support from staff;
- Combine the latest research, effective andragogy, and cutting-edge technologies to enhance learning, foster leadership development, and empower students as savvy consumers of education research;
- Challenge students to examine the historical contexts and deeper purposes of education and the future of learning;
- Utilize an asset-based approach to student development and engage students in ways relevant to their cultures, intersectional identities, and experiences;
- Align courses and course content that occur in multiple programs to create efficiencies and expose students to a wider range of Rossier experts and peers across programs; and
- Ensure alignment between our degree programs and student interests by adjusting curricula in current programs, enhancing flexibility, developing new offerings to meet emerging needs, and sunsetting under-enrolled programs.
We will track our progress through improvement in key measures of success:
- Student success in key programmatic assessments; and increasing student satisfaction;
- Time to degree; graduation rates; new jobs, promotions, and advancement for graduates; employer engagement; and
- Alumni engagement with students and participation in the life of the School.
We believe that our research must advance equity and improve learning through theory, policy, and practice. We foster this through a rich intellectual climate that values discovery and encourages broad engagement in the research enterprise by faculty, students, staff, alumni, and our partners. The culture of research within our School thrives on collaborative relationships within Rossier, across USC, and with community partners.
GOAL: Advance educational research that is responsive to critical issues facing the communities we serve.
To advance educational research our faculty and students will:
We will track our progress through improvement in key measures of success:
- Demonstrate the highest levels of intellectual rigor and ethical standards;
- Apply our equity-minded expertise broadly to transform systems that affect the outcomes of a wide range of historically marginalized communities;
- Align research with needs, assets, and experiences of community partners;
- Address pressing educational issues in order to solve problems throughout Southern California, the nation, and around the world;
- Provide effective support within the School–from ideation, to proposal, through implementation, and stewardship–to attract and sustain external funding for research; and
- Encourage collaboration within the school to promote knowledge mobilization.
- Increasing grant funding; number of peer-reviewed articles and impact of the journals in which they appear; conference presentations; professional recognitions and awards;
- Citation counts and media hits; and
- Knowledge utilization and mobilization by stakeholders and partners.
We believe the Rossier School must be a resource for innovation in advancing equity. We broaden our impact through authentic, reciprocal engagement throughout the broader Rossier community, including alumni and our partners in schools, districts, governments and NGOs. To accomplish our mission our staff, faculty, and students collaborate extensively across USC and with partner organizations in communities we serve in Southern California and beyond. We seek authentic, reciprocal relationship building that leads to transformational impact.
GOAL: Expand and deepen collaborative relationships with partners that advance equity and improve learning through intentional engagement.
To expand collaborative relationships we will:
- Take stock of our existing relationships with partnerships and identify untapped opportunities for richer collaboration with current partners;
- Understand the needs of our partners, how those needs align with our mission, and how we can build mutual value through collaboration;
- Ensure that our partners understand that we are committed to mutually advancing our shared goals in service to the communities we serve:
- Leverage our research findings, professional contributions, and the accomplishments of existing partnerships to advance educational equity;
- Create spaces and opportunities for current students, alumni and other community partners to access our expertise and provide their expertise;
- Include our students in these collaborations to engage them in community-based learning and extend their impact; and
- Share our research findings through channels designed to move solutions into policy and practice.
We will track our progress through improvement in key measures of success:
- Strength of our partnerships, and alignment of programmatic foci and research interests with goals of partners;
- Student participation in partnerships with direct impact on learning and research; and Partner satisfaction with their collaborations with us.
We share a vision wherein our practices and structures align with the future direction of the School while recognizing the constraints in which we operate within USC. We seek to maximize collaboration within Rossier through an organizational structure that is supportive, equitable, and transparent.
GOAL: Strengthen practices and structures that foster collaboration, mutual respect, and wellness.
To instill the organizational culture we envision we will:
- Foster a rich culture of inquiry, discussion, and continuous learning within the School that provides an engaging intellectual home for each member of the Rossier community;
- Act on our values of collaboration, inclusivity, and transparency as cultural practices throughout the School and in our decision-making practices;
- Prioritize the physical and mental wellbeing of each member of our community;
- Attract and retain excellent world-class faculty and staff, nurture their ongoing professional development, and reward their success;
- Facilitate professional growth for all members of our staff and faculty;
- Acknowledge and address entrenched power dynamics within our School to instill a productive, equitable culture within Rossier;
- Foster effective internal communication and feedback loops that enhance our ability to work together in fulfillment of our mission;
- Create incentives, rewards, and recognition structures that foster a healthy organizational culture;
- Develop and implement a survey to measure faculty and staff professional fulfillment and belonging within the School, work-life balance, and campus climate; and
- Lead the way within USC by enacting practices and accountability that promote equity.
We will track our progress through improvement in key measures of success:
- Staff and faculty engagement in professional development;
- Staff and faculty professional fulfillment, belonging, and capacity for success;
- Increasing faculty and staff participation in School-wide intellectual and social opportunities.
Securing the future of the Rossier School requires a sound financial outlook. To accomplish this, we must ensure alignment between our offerings and student interests, effectively utilize our resources, and identify new sources of revenue. Enhancing understanding of our business model throughout the School will also play an important role in this endeavor.
GOAL: Ensure the financial health of the School and effective stewardship of our resources.
To thrive we must:
We will track our progress through improvement in key measures of success:
- Include alumni in the life of the School in ways that enrich and sustain them intellectually while also enhancing student learning and furthering our research;
- Expand the Rossier community by networking with the broader USC community, with our partners, and with our alumni to involve more people in fulfillment of our mission;
- Engage our benefactors in a shared vision of the impact we can have together;
- Develop alternative streams of revenue to support the fulfillment of our mission;
- Deepen understanding of the School’s budget and finances amongst faculty and staff; and
- Enhance affordability and accessibility by providing robust, transparent access to financial support.
- Enrollment numbers and net revenue; indirects from grants; and philanthropic support;
- Development and growth of new sources of revenue;
- Engagement levels for alumni and donors.
Initial areas of focus in implementing this plan are outlined in Appendix A (see below). Details of those efforts will be developed in the first months of implementation. Each year throughout the life of this plan the School will identify action steps on which to focus, share those broadly within the Rossier community, and then report back on progress.
Appendix A
The action steps below will serve as the initial focus of implementation, to be accomplished during the 2024-2025 academic year.
- Charge the governance committee of each program with implementing the Teaching Plan in AY24-25;
- Develop a plan for creating and implementing courses for students across programs that showcase Rossier faculty and partners;
- Charge each program with reviewing and documenting how they “expose students to ideas from a broad range of perspectives and build deeper understanding of the world” in AY24-25, and identifying any steps that may be needed to extend these efforts;
- Impanel program chairs and charge them with identifying possible opportunities to align course offerings, and then coordinate amongst governance committees and across programs to accomplish this with an initial set of candidate course(s);
- Charge research-active faculty and centers with determining how to “align research with needs, assets, and experience of community partners” and develop a plan for action;
- Empanel research-active faculty and administrators to envision the future of research support in the School and mechanisms for connecting faculty in ways that support research and teaching innovations;
- Gather faculty (both tenured and RTPC) and administrators to identify ways of invigorating knowledge mobilization within the School and make specific proposals to foster these changes;
- Conduct an inventory and conceptual mapping of current partnerships;
- Charge programs with determining how to richly gather and understand the needs and perspectives of partners and develop a plan for action;
- Develop a robust plan for heightened dissemination of our research findings and begin initial implementation;
Organizational Culture
- Develop and implement a plan to heighten meaningful interpersonal interactions within the School (including a combination of social and intellectual dimensions) on a regular basis;
- Charge administrative and academic leaders with systematically heightening transparency and information-sharing from and within their areas;
- Utilize the Rossier Kickoff meeting to gather detailed perspectives from staff and faculty on professional development, community building, internal communication, and wellness needs; and then develop plans of action for each based on those inputs;
- Launch a concerted effort to envision the organizational structure necessary to support achievement of Rossier’s goals;
- Create a survey “to measure faculty and staff professional fulfillment and belonging” and implement the tool to establish a baseline;
Financial Stewardship
- Query alumni on their needs and interests for engagement, invigorate our alumni network, and align this with student and instructional needs where appropriate;
- Gather ideas on potential alternative revenue streams and systematically assess their merits to move beyond tuition dependence; and
Measuring our success
- Identify a discrete set of measures of success for fulfillment of our mission, develop mechanisms to gather those data, and share the results regularly for public consumption.