Scholars' Early-Stage Investment Fund
The Scholars’ Early-Stage Investment Fund (SESIF)’s vision is to advance the USC Rossier School of Education’s research agenda by creating a dedicated supplementary fund to support promising early-stage research, primarily for pre-tenured faculty. This vision is parallel to USC Rossier's mission to improve learning opportunities and outcomes in urban settings and address disparities that affect historically marginalized groups.
One of the most critical dimensions of a USC academic unit’s long-run impact and reputation is the quality (excellence, relevance, and social impact) of the knowledge it produces and disseminates through research. Intellectual leadership in an academic institution is fundamental to its overall success.
Among tenure-track faculty, assistant professors face unique circumstances and disproportionate challenges compared to their more senior colleagues with established research records. There are new challenges facing the next generation of leaders.
The intended focus of this investment fund is a combination of early-stage project (seed funding) and early-stage career (tenure-track assistant professors) support. SESIF aims where significant uncertainty, risk, and opportunity in research are co-located.
Your gift shows your commitment to the notion that scholarly research is fundamental to educational and societal improvement. The growing impact of USC Rossier is due in part to the sense that it has great professors doing important work. Your support of junior faculty is essential to ensuring that USC Rossier continues to thrive. Thank you for considering supporting the Scholars’ Early-Stage Investment Fund.
Learn More
To speak directly to the USC Rossier Advancement Office about making a gift, please contact Rachel Beal.