Noah Scott Goldman

  • 2024

Research Concentration

  • Teacher Education
Noah Scott Goldman

Contact Information


  • Yasemin Copur-Gencturk


Since ninth grade, Noah Goldman has been a huge fan of math and finding exciting ways to teach it. In 2019, he graduated from Carleton College with a bachelor’s degree in math and a license to teach it in grades 5-12 (plus a minor in educational studies).

Noah spent four years as a high school math teacher at Downtown College Prep (DCP), a San Jose charter school for future first-generation college students. At DCP, Noah solo-piloted a course called Math Reasoning With Connections that deepened 12th graders’ theoretical understanding of important pre-calculus concepts, including closure of sets under unary and binary operations, the set-theoretic definitions of functions and relations, and singularities and zeros of real functions.

Right now, Noah is pursuing a PhD in education with a concentration in teacher preparation. His research interests include: promoting higher-order math thinking; finding empirical support for “effective” teaching techniques; identifying and removing barriers that prevent teachers from using math education research; and teaching techniques specifically tailored to students who tend to struggle in math class, such as English learners and students with unfinished learning.