Rhoda Coleman
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
Research Concentration
- Teacher Education
Dr. Rhoda Coleman is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the USC Rossier School of Education's Masters of Arts in Teaching program. She teaches courses in Literacy Development, History-Social Science, and in First and Second Language Acquisition.
Dr. Coleman’s recent publications include numerous journal articles and a co-authored book, Promoting Academic Achievement for English Learners: A Guide to the Research (2010.) She served as guest editor of the Social Studies Review journal, a special edition on academic language (2013). She also works as a consultant in the areas of English Language Development (ELD), Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE), and literacy instruction for school districts and publishers.
Previously, Dr. Coleman was a Language Arts consultant for Los Angeles County Office of Education providing K-12 professional development to school districts throughout California and writing and producing over 25 teacher-training videos. She was also a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Language Minority Education and Research at California State University, Long Beach. She remains an active fellow of The California Reading and Literature Project and the California History-Social Science Project.
Dr. Coleman received her Doctor of Education in Language and Literacy from USC, a Master of Arts in Reading and a Reading Specialist Credential from Loyola Marymount University, a Master of Arts in Administration from California State University, Los Angeles and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science from teh University of Southern California. While an elementary teacher in Lennox School District, she was named a California Teacher of the Year, Los Angeles County Teacher of the Year, and California History-Social Science Teacher of the Year. She was also recipient of the Milken Educator Award and the Rossier School of Education ROSE Award for outstanding service to education.
Awards and Grants
University of Southern California ROSE Award (2000)
Milken National Educator Award (1996)
California State Teacher of the Year (1995)
Los Angeles County Office of Education Teacher of the Year (1995)
California Council for the Social Studies Elementary Social Studies Teacher of the Year (1995)
Lennox School District Teacher of the Year (1994)
Courses Taught
EDUC 672
EDUC 673
EDUC 674
EDUC 675
Professional Affiliations and Memberships
Coleman, R. & Zwiers, J. (2016), Corroborating Multiple Sources from Art and History. In L. De Oliveira (Ed.), The Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technology for English Learners: Grades 6-12. (39-56). Alexandria, VA: TESOLPress
Coleman, R. (2012, Annual Issue). Guest Editor, Developing Academic Language in Social Studies, Social Studies Review, 51.
Coleman, R. (2012, Annual Issue). How do students develop academic language in Social Studies? Social Studies Review, 51, 3-9.
Coleman R. (2012, Annual Issue). Common Core Standards for English Language Arts: Opening doors to more effective Social Studies instruction for all students. Social Studies Review, 51, 46-56.
Coleman, R. & Goldenberg, C. (2012, January). The Common Core challenge for ELLS. Principal Leadership, 12 (6), 46-50.
Coleman, R. & Goldenberg, C. (2010, Summer). Effective practices for English learners, Part 4: Models for Schools and Districts. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46 (4), 156-163.
Coleman, R. & Goldenberg, C. (2010, Spring). Effective practices for English learners, Part 3: Promoting literacy development. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46 (3), 106-111.
Coleman, R. & Goldenberg, C. (2010, Winter). Effective practices for English learners, Part 2: Academic language. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46 (2), 60-65.
Coleman, R. & Goldenberg, C. (2009, Fall). Effective practices for English learners, Part 1: Oral language. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46 (1), 10-15.
Goldenberg, C. & Coleman, R. (2010), Improving academic achievement among English language learners, A guide to the research. Corwin Press.
Life Standard Elementary Teaching Credential, K-8, University of Southern California, 1973
Clear Specialist Instruction Credential, Reading, K-12, Loyola Marymount University, 1985 (current)
Language Development Specialist Certificate/CLAD