Michael Genzuk, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Clinical Education
Research Concentration
- Teacher Education
PhD University of Southern California M.S. University of Southern California (Education) 1993
Post Graduate Studies, California State University, Los Angeles (emphasis on Urban Education with specialization in Bilingual Cross-Cultural Education) 1976-84
BA California State University, Northridge (Political Science) 1971
- Intercultural and Multilingual Education • Language Policy • Teacher Education • Multimedia Literacy
Dr. Michael Genzuk is an Associate Clinical Professor of Education at Rossier who teaches courses on the theory and application of bilingual education and teaching English as a second language, as well as the socio-political context of bilingual curriculum and instruction. His research and writing center on issues related to teacher education and the academic achievement of language minority students, including cognitive growth and psychosocial factors affecting students’ success. He is an expert in the area of intercultural and multilingual education as well as computer based global learning networks.
Currently he is continuing his research related to the development of a more diverse teaching force for the changing demographic patterns in North American public schools. Genzuk’s current work and collaboration with the USC School of Cinematic Arts Institute for Multimedia Literacy focuses on integrating new forms of communication and expression into traditional teacher education curricula and recognizing that multi- media can and should also play an important role in the education of all students has won him high acclaim. Exploring methods for enhancing and expanding existing written literacy to incorporate still and moving images, aural communication, and multimedia applications with the written word has become an integral part of his course offerings in teacher education.
Genzuk earned his Ph.D and his M.S. in Education from the University of Southern California and his B.A. in Political Science from California State University, Northridge. Much of Dr. Genzuk’s research was conducted through the Ford Foundation and U.S. Department of Education which funded the USC Latino and Language Minority Teacher Project where he served as Principal Investigator, and the Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research where he serves as Director.
Awards and Grants
- Gamma Sigma Alpha Honor Society Professor of the Year Award, University of Southern California. December 4, 2001
- United States House of Representatives Certificate of Special Recognition, May 16, 1998.
- United States House of Representatives Certificate of Recognition, December 16, 1995. In recognition of Founding Director of USC Latino Teacher Project and support of future teachers.
- Society of Delta Epsilon Meritorious Dissertation Award, 1995. University of Southern California School of Education faculty selection of best dissertation.
- Stephen B. Sample Presidential Fellow, University of Southern California, 1993-1994. W.K. Kellogg Foundation/USC Leadership Institute award. Highest honor the University bestows on its graduate students.
- United States Department of Education Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership Program recipient. International Fellows program in Japan. May, 1994.
- Outstanding Staff Development Award in Education, California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE), February, 1994.
- Effective Practices in Professional Development Recognition Award, 1994. U.S. Department of Education for Ford Foundation/USC Latino Teacher Project.
- United States Department of Education, OBEMLA, Bilingual Education Fellowship Awardee, 1992-1993.
- Association of Mexican American Educators "Die del Maestro" Outstanding Elementary Educator Award recipient, April, 1989.
- Book Chapters
- Rueda, R. & Genzuk, M (2001). Sociocultural Scaffolding as a Means Toward Academic Self- Regulation: Paraeducators as Cultural Brokers. In: Denti, L. & Cousin, P.T. (Eds.) New Ways of Looking At Learning Disabilities: Connections to Classroom Practice. Love Publishing Co.
- Genzuk, M. (in press). Promoting Latino Teacher Development through an Early Induction Model. In Model Programs for the Recruitment of Minorities in Teacher Education: Overcoming the Odds, ed. Editor. Washington, D.C. National Education Association.
- Genzuk, M. (1999). Tapping Into Community Funds of Knowledge. In: Effective Strategies for English Language Acquisition: Curriculum Guide for the Professional Development of Teachers Grades Kindergarten through Eight (pp. 9-21). Los Angeles: Los Angeles Annenberg Metropolitan Project (LAAMP) / ARCO Foundation.
- Books
- Bilingual Methodology Study Guide, editor and co-author. Los Angeles Unified School District Office of Bilingual-ESL Instruction, 1986, reprinted, 1988. Los Angeles, CA.
- Original: Genzuk, M. (1999). Tapping Into Community Funds of Knowledge. In: Effective Strategies for English Language Acquisition: A Curriculum Guide for the Development of Teachers, Grades Kindergarten through Eight. Los Angeles Annenberg Metropolitian Project/ARCO Foundation. Los Angeles. Re-printed: Genzuk, M. (Fall, 2003): A Synthesis of Ethnographic Research. Occasional Papers Series. Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research (Eds.). Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Los Angeles.
Professional Affiliations and Memberships
- Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California
- Professor, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Teaching/advising graduate students and courses in Ph.D, Ed.D, Masters and Teacher Education programs
- Director, USC Center for Multilingual, Multicultural Research
- Principal Investigator, USC Latino Teacher Project
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Association of Jewish Educators (AJE)
- Association of Mexican American Educators (AMAE)
- Association of Teacher Educators (ATE)
- California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
- California Council on the Education of Teachers
- California Reading Association (CRA)
- California Teachers of English toSpeakers of Other Languages (CATESOL)
- Computer Using Educators (CUE)
- EDUCARE, University of Southern California School of Education
- Institute for Language and Education Policy (ILEP)
- Inter-Cities Literacy Association
- International Reading Association (IRA)
- National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE)
- National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE)
- Phi Delta Kappa, University of Southern California Chapter
- Phi Kappa Phi, California State University, Los Angeles Chapter
- State of California Association of Teacher Educators (SCATE)
- Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Genzuk, S.M., (2002-2003). Multimedia Literacy Program. Funded through the Annenberg Center for Communication. ($5,000)
Genzuk, S.M., (1995-2002). Educational Personnel Training Grant. Funded through U.S.Department of Education Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs:
Elementary. $995,000. Genzuk, S.M., (1995-2002). Educational Personnel Training Grant. Funded through U.S. Department of Education Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs: Secondary. $445,000.
Genzuk, S.M., Rueda, R., Baca, R.R., Hentschke, G. (1998 - 1999). Center for Research on
Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) U.S. Department of Education Grant. “Latino Paraeducators Funds of Knowledge Project” ($79,379)
Genzuk, S.M., Baca, R.R. (1997-1998) Language Acquisition Grant. Funded through the ARCO Foundation. Elementary thru Graduate School. $22,000.
Genzuk, S.M., Rueda, R., Baca, R.R., Hentschke, G. (1997-1998). Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) U.S. Department of Education Grant. “Latino Paraeducators Funds of Knowledge Project” ($80,220)
Genzuk, S.M., Baca, R.R. (1996-1999). Recruitment of Minorities into Teaching. Funded through Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education. $725,000.
Genzuk, S.M., Baca, R.R. (1996-1997) Language Acquisition Grant. Funded through the ARCO Foundation. Elementary thru Graduate School. $22,000.
Genzuk, S.M., Baca, R.R. (1993-1994). Minor ity Teacher Recruitment Act. Funded through Office of Postsecondary Education, U. S. Department of Education. $510,000.
Hentschke, G. C., Genzuk, S.M. (1991-1997). USC Latino Teacher Project. Funded through the Ford Foundation Minority Teacher Education Demonstration Project, Ford Foundation, New York. $1,500,000.
Baca, R.R., Genzuk, S.M. (1986 - 1990). Short Term Training Grant. Funded through the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs (OBEMLA), U.S. Department of Education. $310,000.
- California Standard Teaching Credential (K-9), 1974 for life.
- California Adult Education Credential, 1974 for life.
- California Department of Education Bilingual Certificate of Competence (Target Language and Culture: Spanish) University of Southern California, June, 1980.