Doug Lynch

  • Senior Fellow

Research Concentration

  • Higher Education


PhD, Economics & Education, Columbia University 

MPhil, Economics & Education, Columbia University 

MBA, International Finance, New York University 

BA, Economics, Arizona State University 

Elementary & High School in Argentina, Italy, & Germany


  • Corporate Learning • Online Learning • Education Entrepreneurship * Higher Education * Ed Tech
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Doug  Lynch

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Doug Lynch has spent his entire career focused on the intersection of innovation in learning in order to increase access and efficacy. Before joining the Rossier faculty, Doug was the vice dean at the graduate school of education at the University of Pennsylvania and while there also served for a time as an academic director of Wharton Executive Education and a senior advisor to the Fels Institute of Government. Prior to Penn, Doug was an assistant dean at New York University and before joining NYU, Doug worked at the College Board and Arizona State University.

Work in Education Innovation

During his time at ASU, Doug helped launch the Genesis Academy as a charter school; one of the first in the United States. At NYU, he became active in adult & continuing education with a specific focus on online education.  He was invited to present testimony to the U.S. Congress. In 2002, his work at NYU in exporting education was recognized by the U.S. Department of Commerce though an “e” award in exporting; the first time a college was recognized for innovation in exporting.

At Penn, he has launched a handful of new endeavors including the first joint doctoral program in work-based learning (with the Wharton School) and the executive masters for Teach for America corps members serving Philadelphia, a masters in medical education and one for teachers at boarding schools. He also launched an education business plan competition and an educational film production company.

Doug frequently consults to education start-ups and firms investing in education innovation.

Work in Corporate Learning

At NYU, Doug created Corporate Learning Services, to serve employers learning needs. Working with Richard Breeden, Doug designed and delivered all the training for WorldCom to help it emerge from sanctions and bankruptcy. He also was brought in after 9/11 to help FDNY design programs. He was the chair of the American Society for Training & Development’ Public Policy Committee, and also chaired the US delegation to the International Standards Organization in an effort to establish global standards for all non-formal learning. He also served for a time on the Board of Visitors to the Central Intelligence Agency’s Corporate University.

Doug also frequently works with companies on their learning and development needs.

Awards and Grants

2003 APX Award For Program

2002 U.S. Department Of Commerce Presidential “E-Award” For Innovation 

2001 Hr Executive Top 10 Award 



Anonymous 2022. Funding to support work on Ed Tech Program

Digital Promise 2022. Funding to focus programming on Efficacy of Ed Tech Start-ups

Provosts Grant 2021. Funding to develop course on pandemics in conjunction with Keck & Dornsife

Michelson 20MM Foundation, 2018. Initiative to Support Education Innovation at USCGates Foundation, 2015. College Employer Collaborative

National Institute Of Health, 2011. Global health initiative in 4 African countries

Hewlett Foundation, 2010-2012. Supporting open education courseware

USAID, 2011-2012. Support development of Egyptian faculty

Milken Family Foundation, 2008-2010. Education Entrepreneurship

Fife Foundation, 2006-2009. Civic education with Facing History And Ourselves curriculum

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2003-2005. Application of online education on workforce development