David M. Quinn, (On Leave)
- Associate Professor of Education
Research Concentration
- K-12 Education Policy
EdD, Harvard Graduate School of Education
David Quinn is an Associate Professor of Education in the K-12 Education Policy concentration at the USC Rossier School of Education. His research focuses on measuring, explaining, and ending racial/ethnic and class-based educational inequalities. In particular, his interests include students’ seasonal learning patterns, teachers’ racial attitudes, and the effects of issue frames related to educational inequity. Previously, he taught third and fourth grade in North Las Vegas, NV and served as a program director for Teach For America - Las Vegas Valley.
Courses Taught
EDUC 682: Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in Education (PhD)
EDPT 652 Multiple Regression (PhD)
EDUC 719 The Policies and Politics of Educational Governance (EdD)
- Quinn, David M., & Tara-Marie Desruisseaux. (2022). "Replicating and Extending 'Achievement Gap' Discourse Effects." Educational Researcher.
- Quinn, David M. and Andrew D. Ho (2021). "Ordinal Approaches to Decomposing Between-group Test Score Disparities." Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 46, 466-500.
- Quinn, David M. (2020). “Experimental Effects of ‘Achievement Gap’ News Reporting on Viewers’ Racial Stereotypes, Inequality Explanations, and Inequality Prioritization.” Educational Researcher, 49, 482-492.
- Quinn, David M. (2020). “Experimental Evidence on Teachers' Racial Bias in Student Evaluation: The Role of Grading Scales” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 42, 375-392.
- Chin, Mark J., David M. Quinn, Tasminda K. Dhaliwal, and Virginia S. Lovison. (2020). “Bias in the Air: A Nationwide Exploration of Teachers’ Implicit Racial Attitudes, Aggregate Bias, and Student Outcomes. Educational Researcher, 49, 566-578.
- Quinn, David M., Tara-Marie Desruisseaux, and Akua Nkansah-Amankra. (2019). “Achievement Gap Language Affects Teachers’ Issue Prioritization.” Educational Researcher, 48, 484-487.
- Downey, Douglas B., David M. Quinn, and Melissa Alcaraz. (2019). “Do Schools Serving Mostly White and High-SES Children Produce the Most Learning?” Sociology of Education, 92(4), 386-403.
- Quinn, David M. and Ashley M. Stewart.(2019). “Examining the Racial Attitudes of White PreK-12 Teachers.” The Elementary School Journal, 120(2), 272-299.
- Quinn, David M., and Q. Tien Le (2018). "Are we Trending to More or Less Between-group Achievement Inequality Over the School Year and Summer? Comparing Across ECLS-K Cohorts." AERA Open, 4, 1-19.
- Quinn, David M., and James S. Kim. (2018). "Experimental Effects of Program Management Approach on Teachers' Professional Ties and Social Capital." Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 40(2), 196-218.
- Quinn, David M., Thomas J. Kane, Miriam Greenberg, and Daniel Thal. (2018). “Effects of a Video-Based Teacher Observation Program on the De-privatization of Instruction: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment.” Educational Administration Quarterly, 54, 529-558. doi: 10.1177/0013161X18764333
- Quinn, David M. (2017). "Racial Attitudes of PreK-12 and Postsecondary Educators: Descriptive Evidence from Nationally-Representative Data." Educational Researcher, 46, 397-411.
- Quinn, David M., and James S. Kim (2017). "Scaffolding Fidelity and Adaptation in Educational Program Implementation: Experimental Evidence From a Literacy Intervention." American Educational Research Journal, 54, 1187-1220.
- Quinn, David M., & Joe McIntyre (2017). "Do Learning Rates Differ by Race/ethnicity over Kindergarten? Reconciling Results across Gain Score, First-difference, and Random Effects Models." Economics of Education Review, 59, 81-86.
- Quinn, David M., North Cooc, Joe McIntyre, and Celia J. Gomez. (2016). "Seasonal Dynamics of Academic Achievement Inequality by Socioeconomic Status and Race/ethnicity: Updating and Extending Past Research with New National Data." Educational Researcher, 45, 443-453.
- Kim, James S., Jonathan Guryan, Thomas White, David M. Quinn, Lauren Capotosto, and Helen Chen Kingston. (2016). “Delayed Effects of a Low-Cost and Large-Scale Summer Reading Intervention on Elementary School Children’s Reading Comprehension.” Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. doi: 10.1080/19345747.2016.1164780
- Quinn, David M. (2015). “Kindergarten Black-White Test Score Gaps: Re-examining the Roles of Socioeconomic Status and School Quality with New Data.” Sociology of Education, 88(2): 120-139. doi:10.1177/0038040715573027
- Quinn, David M. (2015). “Black-White Summer Learning Gaps: Interpreting the Variability of Estimates across Representations.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 37(1): 50-69. doi: 10.3102/0162373714534522
- Quinn, David M. and North Cooc. (2015). “Science Achievement Gaps by Gender and Race/Ethnicity in Elementary and Middle School: Trends and Predictors.” Educational Researcher, 44(6): 336-346. doi: 10.3102/0013189X15598539
- Guryan, Jonathan, James S. Kim, and David M. Quinn. (2014). “Does Reading During the Summer Build Reading Skills? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in 463 Classrooms.” NBER Working Paper 20689.
- Kim, James S., and David M. Quinn. (2013). “The Effects of Summer Reading on Low Income Children’s Literacy Achievement from Kindergarten to Grade 8: A Meta-analysis of Classroom and Home Interventions.” Review of Educational Research, 83(3): 386-431. doi:10.3102/0034654313483906
Spencer Foundation, “Framing Racial Equity in Education: Communication Frames and their Effects on the Public’s Policy Preferences, Priorities, and Beliefs.” Principal Investigator (2020). $50,000.
Spencer Foundation, “A Large-Scale Analysis of Educators’ Implicit Racial Biases and their Correlates.” Principal Investigator (2018). $49, 354.
Zumberge Individual Research Award, “Teachers’ Stereotypes and Implicit Biases: New Measures and Applications in Education.” Principal Investigator (2017-2018). $30,000.
AERA Research Grants, “Trends in Seasonal Dynamics of Test Score Gaps.” Principal Investigator (2017-2018). $20,000.