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  • Higher Education
  1. h

    1. Shaun Harper

      • University Professor
      • Provost Professor of Education and Business
      • Clifford and Betty Allen Chair in Urban Leadership
      • USC Race and Equity Center Founder and Executive Director

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • Race in K-12 • Higher Education, and Corporate Contexts • Urban Education • Boys and Men of Color • College Student Success • Intercollegiate Athletics
    2. Adrian H. Huerta

      • Assistant Professor of Education

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • Boys and men of color • College access and success • Gang-involved populations • High school to college transition • Student parents in higher education

      Contact Information

      Websites and Social Media

  2. j

    1. Brandi P. Jones

      • Research Professor
      • Race & Equity Center Chief of Staff
      • Race & Equity Center Chief Operating Officer

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • STEM Equity • Student Identity and Development • Racial Equity • Administrative Leadership

      Contact Information

  3. k

    1. Jihye Kwon

      • Adjunct Assistant Professor
      • Associate Director for Survey Research

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodology • Survey Research • Institutional Research • Finance in Higher Education

      Contact Information

      Websites and Social Media

  4. l

    1. Doug Lynch

      • Senior Fellow

      Research Concentration

      • Higher Education


      • Corporate Learning • Online Learning • Education Entrepreneurship * Higher Education * Ed Tech

      Contact Information